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Complete Savory Yellow Rice Recipe

Yellow rice is a food that is already included in the culinary heritage of all time in Indonesia. Food is often referred to as the rice cone weave that is quite easy and fast process so that more people choose it presented when there selametan or sacred events such as birthdays and others.

Using the practical materials such as rice cookers can be used to make yellow rice is tasty and delicious. Yellow rice is usually used as a cone if it will be decorated at the edges like eggs, chicken meat and various vegetables to create the look of these foods become more attractive again.

Yellow rice is also usually good to eat for breakfast plus eggs red chili and crackers make your morning more excited especially when drinking hot tea or coffee. Make you the mothers who love to cook can not ever tried to make yellow rice recipes complete itself without having to book in advance or buy ready-made.

Yellow Rice Ingredients

     1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
     2 tbsp turmeric water
     2 cm galangal, crushed
     300 ml chicken broth
     2 bay leaves
     1 sheet of pandan leaves
     1/4 tsp turmeric powder
     1 tablespoon salt
     500 g rice, washed, drained
     500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut

How to make Yellow Rice

  1.      Mix all ingredients, and cook, stirring, stirring until the liquid absorbed by the rice, remove from     heat.
  2.      Heat the steamer, steamed for 30 minutes until the rice is completely cooked.
  3.      Completed, add the sliced ​​egg omelet supplementary materials, chicken and vegetables.

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